Activities - Wood2Good
Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!
Texto bandera UE
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

On 12 December 2014, the final conference of the Wood2Good project took place at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). During the conference an overview of the Wood2Good results were...
Save the date!: Final Conference (12/12/14)

We cordially invites you to learn more about the Wood2Good project outcomes and the different best practices identified thereof.
Workshop: Sustainable Innovation and Ecology in the Furniture and Wood Sector (SPAIN)

Workshop in Valencia The European furniture and wood sector, key insustry in the Region of Valencia, Spain, as well as in several European Regions, mainly made of SMEs, has a key rol topursue the...
Workshop: Comparison counter on sustainability, quality and innovation in the field of wood and furniture (ITALY)

The italian workshop decided to focus on the specific case of Zanini Alcide SNC to engage the reflection on practices of restructuring in the good sector in Italy. A total of 65 participants...
Workshop on Innovative Practice in the Wood Sector (UK)

A focus Group workshop was organised by BUCKS partner on July 1st. This workshop count with the presence of 12 companies, and three of those companies represent the UK sample for innovation. BUCKS...
Save the date! Italian workshop

The Italian partner of the Wood2Good project will organise the first workshop of the wood2good project next Monday, 7th of July. The objective of this workshop is to bring together different...
Wood2Good team review the project advancements
On May 6th, project partners of the Wood2Good organized a video conference to review together the project activities. It was the opportunity for them to review the survey and bibliographic review...
Feedback on the Wood2Good Conference
This event was the oportunity to bring together wood stakeholders (EC representatives, representative of the sector and regional actors from all Europe: industries, public authorities, chambers of...
Your opinion is important - participate to the Wood2Good online survey!
This survey is an online multiple choice questionnaire adressed to wood stakeholders to collect their perception of the sector situation, the stakeholder interaction and the opportunities presented...
European Conference - The Restructuring of the Wood Sector in Europe: Towards a Green Economy
The launching event of the WOOD2GOOD project event will be the occasion to focus on the comprehension of the current situation of employment and restructuring in the wood sector. The partners of...