Botonera Wood2good

Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!

Texto bandera UE

Texto bandera UE

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Back Feedback on the Wood2Good Conference

Feedback on the Wood2Good Conference

This event was the oportunity to bring together wood stakeholders (EC representatives, representative of the sector and regional actors from all Europe: industries, public authorities, chambers of commerce, federations and trade unions) in order to provide understanding elements on the current situation of this sector in terms of employment and resturcturing. The idendification of policies and development to implement to enhance the evolution through the green economy wasthe key of the discussions.  

In the context of respect of the commitment done by the EU in the fight against climate change, the wood sector, affected by the crisis and the international competition since several years, appears as a potential actor for the circular economy. The explotation of wood , a key renewable resource, has to support our society to answer to their needs in terms of sustainable housing, as well as in many industrial sectors (construction, furniture, health, chemistery, energy among others), with the implementation of a resonsible management of forests. It also require a better qualification and skills upgrade for the workers using wood products, for instance in the construction sector, which is a priority in line with EU202 "for an Intelligent, sustainable and inclusive European Economy".  

Jeremy Wall, from the DG ENTR of the European Commission, Kimmo Jarvinen, from the European Organization of the Sawmill Industry and Philip Buisseret, from CEI-Bois, reminded the necesity to engage a reflection on the production anduse of wood, especially on the principle of the cascade use of wood product, which consist in recycling wood products until it's last use as energy. 

Also, the partners engaged in the implementation of the W2G project made a presentation of the aims and objectives of this initiative and invited the participant to take part in the reflection, starting with sharing their opinion through a survey recently launched on the W2G website in 5 languages. This survey, together with an investigation work, will lead to the elaboration of recommendations for SMEs from the wood sector to adopt new practices in favor of environment and employment. 

Click here to see the pictures of the event

You can also download the presentation of the 3 speakers of the event below.