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Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Back Workshop: Sustainable Innovation and Ecology in the Furniture and Wood Sector (SPAIN)

Workshop: Sustainable Innovation and Ecology in the Furniture and Wood Sector (SPAIN)

Workshop in Valencia

The European furniture and wood sector, key insustry in the Region of Valencia, Spain, as well as in several European Regions, mainly made of SMEs, has a key rol topursue the objectives of EU2020, to make the European Economy the mst competitiv of th world.

Thursday, October 2nd, FEVAMA organised a workshop in Valencia within the Wood2Good project, initiaved led by the Regional Ministry of Economy, Industry, Turism and Employment of Valencia, which objective is to analyse the situation of the sector in relation to employment and restructuring, exploring the oportunities related with environmental aspects. The results of this workshop and study case will be the definition of good practices to disseminate among wood stakeholder to reach high competitiveness across Europe. 

The aim of the workshop was to analyze the first provisional results of the surveys launched at European level, and shows options to improve environmentally businesses and achieve competitive advantage by becoming sustainable industries, and finally to present one case of success of a Valencian company that opted for a sustainable restructuring based on energy saving and safety of their products.

In a first analysis of the survey results, it was found that companies in the wood and furniture sector, despite of being aware and know, in many cases, the advantages of adopting an environmentally friendly production are still far from implementing it in their production processes, actual measurements of environmental improvement and energy saving, perhaps for lack of funding to undertake investments, the need for staff training or by the absence of incentives. In addition, companies are still not very aware on the social and commercial advantages that these changes can provide to them.

For this reason, the second presentation of the day tried to identify all the competitive advantages of different environmental actions that can be performed in the sector. Those actions and eco-implementation in companies for environmental improvement measures were announced one by one and with different scope, covering the entire product life cycle. Ecodesign highlighted as a tool for overall improvement of eco-efficiency and product quality, reducing environmental impact throughout their lifecycle.

Finally, MICUNA, a Valencian company leader at European level in the field of children's furniture, made a presentation of its corporate restructuring process that began in 2009 in line with a series of environmental measures aimed at saving energy and improving productivity, and ensure the safety of its products.

The main conclusion was that the conduct of these proceedings improves the competitiveness of the company and its market positioning.

You can find the leaflet of this event attached.