Botonera Wood2good

Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!

Texto bandera UE

Texto bandera UE

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Wood2Good at the EUagenda Webpage

EUagenda is the first portal dedicated to professional and European Affairs events, featuring thousands of conferences, seminars, training events and webinars spanning all EU policies.

Wood2Good at the Kyoto Club Webpage

Kyoto Club is a non-profit organisation founded in February 1999. Its members are business companies, associations and local municipalities and governments engaged in reaching the greenhouse gases...

Wood2Good at the Bonucchi e associati srl Webpage

La Camera di Commercio di Verona e Verona Innovazione hanno organizzato un workshop per raccontare il progetto europeo Wood2Good e approfondire il tema della sosteniblità, qualità e innovazione nel...