Conclusions Study Case Italy (Zanini Alcide Snc di Zanini Pierluigi & C.) - Wood2Good
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Atrás Conclusions Study Case Italy (Zanini Alcide Snc di Zanini Pierluigi & C.)
Conclusions Study Case Italy (Zanini Alcide Snc di Zanini Pierluigi & C.)
The younger partner (Mr. Pierluigi) after the retirement of the older partners (his uncle and his father, who had been working in the firm for nearly 40 years) went into a big process of personal empowerment: he participated in training courses with the following topics: management, communication and marketing. With great passion he took part in the Board of Directors of the major craftsmanship association in Verona e in the Veneto Region (Confartigianato Verona e Veneto). He became more conscious of the market needs not only at local level, but also at regional and national level. He is still working a lot on his process of personal development and empowerment because he is aware that now the firm relies on him. He now feels stronger and more prepared, especially in the so called soft skills: communication, entrepreneurial attitudes, problem solving, etc.
Conclusions Study Case Italy (Zanini Alcide Snc di Zanini Pierluigi & C.)Tipo de documento
- Conclusiones sobre los casos de estudio de los Talleres locales
- Italia
- Sheets manufacture (1st Wood processing)
Tipo de innovación
- Administrativa
Palabras clave
- Proceso