Socios - Wood2Good
Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!
Texto bandera UE
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Conselleria de Economia, Industria, Turismo y Empleo

CEITE holds the responsibility for economy, promotion of employment and social economy, vocational training for employment, mediation in the labour market, industry, energy, tourism, internal and...
FEVAMA is a link joining wood and furniture entreprises in Valencia, providing various services to its associated companies which seek to promote the development and continuous improvement of their...
Pour la solidarité
Pour la Solidarité (PLS) is a service provider for socio-economic and political stakeholders wishing to operate in a professional manner in the European solidarity sector. They aim to play an...
Buckinghamshire New University
Bucks New University is a leading professional and creative influence, shaping higher education for the benefit of people and employers. Within a caring and supportive environment, we deliver...
Verona Innovazione
Verona Innovation is the Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce Verona . The Company pursues the public interest and its establishment is part of the purpose of promotion of the provincial...