Botonera Wood2good

Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!

Texto bandera UE

Texto bandera UE

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Ves enrere Green focus: bio-building and sustainability - ANTICO È (Italy)

Green focus: bio-building and sustainability - ANTICO È (Italy)

Since 2006 Antico È srl has reorganised itself in compliance with UNI ISO EN 9001:2000 norms. It has also certified with CERMET for 'Planning and production of floors and walls, covering, ceilings and stairs in ancient and new wood and wood combined with stones'.


Green focus: bio-building and sustainability - ANTICO È (Italy) {reserved_article_title} PDF

Tipus de document

  • Millores pràctiques


  • Italia


  • Carpentry (2nd Transformation)
  • Wood and furniture sector in general
  • Altres

Paraules clau

  • ús de fusta en cascada
  • Reciclatge
  • Marketing