Botonera Wood2good

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Texto bandera UE

Texto bandera UE

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Atrás Implementation of Eco-design approach - Laudescher (France)

Implementation of Eco-design approach - Laudescher (France)

Implementation of Eco-design approach - Laudescher (France) {reserved_article_title} PDF

To validate its approach in sustainable development implementation, the Laudescher company was certified ISO 14001 in November 2012 and has been awarded the ISO 50001 in February 2013 recognizing the commitment of the company in energy efficiency. All employees of the company have been involved in the research for improvements, in term of environmental impacts but also in the use of workstations, products, etc. This is reflected by the establishment of several approaches: LCA, environmental product Declaration, boiler biomass.

Tipo de documento

  • Propuestas verdes innovadoras


  • Francia


  • Industrial preparation (1st Wood processing)
  • Wood and furniture sector in general
  • Otros

Tipo de innovación

  • Energia
  • Productividad
  • Competitividad

Palabras clave

  • Energia
  • Huella/anteproyecto
  • Reciclaje
  • Beneficios económicos