Rethinking the product´s end of life stage - Alfa Fenom (France) - Wood2Good
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Atrás Rethinking the product´s end of life stage - Alfa Fenom (France)
Rethinking the product´s end of life stage - Alfa Fenom (France)
Alfa Fenorm has set up a circuit of recovery and recycling of window enhancing materials at the end of life while contributing to reduce cost of operation of the undertaking. She's gone from a cost estimated at € 160 per ton previously at a cost almost zero currently.
Rethinking the product´s end of life stage - Alfa Fenom (France)Tipo de documento
- Propuestas verdes innovadoras
- Francia
- Carpentry (2nd Transformation)
- Otros
Tipo de innovación
- Tecnológico
- Productividad
- Competitividad
Palabras clave
- Uso de madera en cascada
- Huella/anteproyecto
- Beneficios económicos