Botonera Wood2good

Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!

Texto bandera UE

Texto bandera UE

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Treatment of emissions of VOC´s - Gamadecor (Spain)

Environmental awareness beyond standard requirements such as the use of wood from sustainably managed forests, three year plans for the prevention of waste from packaging materials, raw materials...

Reduction of consumption with the use of new technologies - DILEOFFICE (Spain)

The company uses the social networking in order to expose its products and to interact with is clients. The idea of uploading videos with the assembly instructions on the company´s YouTube chanel...

Highest quality through green sustainability and technology - Rubner (Italy)

The Group builds houses which deliver a sound stress-free lifestyle, implementing ecodesigned solutions. Rubner focuses on wood, natural insulation which has got excellent static properties, short...