Best practices and innovative proposals - INNOBOX BOOK - Wood2Good
Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Ves enrere Best practices and innovative proposals - INNOBOX BOOK
Best practices and innovative proposals - INNOBOX BOOK
The present InnoBox book aims at presenting a selection of the most relevant best
practices and innovative proposals of sustainable restructuring in the wood sector
identified in the framework of the Wood2Good project. On the one hand, the best
practices will highlight actions already initiated by companies, the implementation
process they followed and the results to be expected. On the other hand, the
innovative solutions will investigate on innovation and future practices to be
developed with the aim to green the wood sector.
Best practices and innovative proposals - INNOBOX BOOKTipus de document
- Conclusions sobre els casos d'estudi dels Tallers locals
- Millores pràctiques
- Propostes verds innovadores
- Espanya
- Italia
- França
- Anglaterra
- Sawed and sanded (A 1st Wood processing)
- Sheets manufacture (1st Wood processing)
- Board Manufacturing (1st Wood processing)
- Industrial preparation (1st Wood processing)
- Packings and packaging (2nd Transformation)
- Furniture (2nd transformation)
- Carpentry (2nd Transformation)
- Trim and moldings (2nd Transformation)
- Wood and furniture sector in general
- Altres
Tipus d'innovació
- Recursos humans
- Administrativa
- Energia
- Tecnològic
- Productivitat
- Competitivitat
- Internalització
- Financera
- Gestió del temps
Paraules clau
- Energia
- ús de fusta en cascada
- Bosc
- Empremta/avantprojecte
- Reciclatge
- Entrenament
- Metodologia LEAN
- Procés
- Construcció
- Beneficis econòmics
- Marketing