Llibre de recomanacions - Wood2Good
Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!
Texto bandera UE
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
RESTRUCTURATION DURABLE DE LA FILIERE BOIS (Guide de recommendations). French version
Le present document se veut être un guide des recommandations aux entreprises afin d’entamer le difficile processus de restructuration. Ces recommandations sont le résultat et les conclusions...
RISTRUTTURAZIONE DEL SETTORE DEL LEGNO (Libro delle raccomandazioni) Italian version.
Il seguente documento è una guida completa di raccomandazioni rivolte a tali società, al fine di affrontare il difficile processo di ristrutturazione. Queste raccomandazioni sono il risultato...
LA REESTRUCTURACIÓN DEL SECTOR DE LA MADERA (Libro de Recomendaciones) Spanish version
El presente documento es una guía de recomendaciones dirigidas a las empresas que se planteen abordar un proceso de reestructuración. Estas recomendaciones son el resultado de las conclusiones...
RESTRUCTURING THE WOOD SECTOR - Book of recommendations
The following document is a thorough guide of recommendations targeting those companies in order to tackle the challenging process of restructuring. These recommendations are the fruitful result...