Reduction of consumption with the use of new technologies - DILEOFFICE (Spain) - Wood2Good
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Ves enrere Reduction of consumption with the use of new technologies - DILEOFFICE (Spain)
Reduction of consumption with the use of new technologies - DILEOFFICE (Spain)
The company uses the social networking in order to expose its products and to interact with is clients. The idea of uploading videos with the assembly instructions on the company´s YouTube chanel emerged out of the necessity to look for new usages of the social network. The object of this initiative is to use YouTube in order to help the clients to assemble the products through a virtual tool by simply following the shown instructions.
Reduction of consumption with the use of new technologies - DILEOFFICE (Spain)Tipus de document
- Millores pràctiques
- Espanya
- Wood and furniture sector in general
Paraules clau
- Procés
- Beneficis econòmics
- Marketing