Sustainable forest management and environmental balance - Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme (Italy) - Wood2Good
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Ves enrere Sustainable forest management and environmental balance - Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme (Italy)
Sustainable forest management and environmental balance - Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme (Italy)
In 1996 Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme undertook a certification process according to FSC standards. A prior self-evaluation was carried out with the help of prof. Pettenella from Padua University; in June 1996 Oxford S.G.S. Forestry Qualifier Program committed Preliminary Project 6077 about MCF forest management certification. The rigorous assessment task ended on September 3rd, 1997 and certificate n. 755/6077/0071 was issued for a five years term-time. In 2002 the certificate was confirmed.
Sustainable forest management and environmental balance - Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme (Italy)Tipus de document
- Millores pràctiques
- Italia
- Sawed and sanded (A 1st Wood processing)
- Board Manufacturing (1st Wood processing)
Paraules clau
- Bosc
- Procés