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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Back No toxicity in paints and dyes - MICUNA (Spain)

No toxicity in paints and dyes - MICUNA (Spain)

The materials and fabrics present in the infantile furniture that are accessible to children must be completely secure. The most widespread finishes in infant furniture are the white lacquered and varnished wood. The most important to merchandise those products is to check the non-toxicity of the paint used. It is necessary to carry out the control of all the products included in the catalogue in order to demonstrate the complete safety of the furniture. Security involves checking that all the products for sale are not potentially hazardous to children.


No toxicity in paints and dyes - MICUNA (Spain) {reserved_article_title} PDF

Document type

  • Best practices


  • Spain


  • Furniture (2nd transformation)
  • Carpentry (2nd Transformation)
  • Wood and furniture sector in general


  • Processes
  • Marketing