RESTRUCTURATION DURABLE DE LA FILIERE BOIS (Guide de recommendations). French version - Wood2Good
Answer to our Wood2Good Survey!
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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RESTRUCTURATION DURABLE DE LA FILIERE BOIS (Guide de recommendations). French version
Le present document se veut être un guide des recommandations aux entreprises afin d’entamer le difficile processus de restructuration. Ces recommandations sont le résultat et les conclusions d’ateliers organisés par les partenaires italiens, espagnols et britanniques du projet qui reposaient sur l'expérience de certaines entreprises du secteur.
RESTRUCTURATION DURABLE DE LA FILIERE BOIS (Guide de recommendations). French versionDocument type
- Local WorkShops on study cases conclusions
- Best practices
- Innovative green proposals
- Spain
- Italy
- France
- England
- Others
Innovation type
- Energy
- Technological
- Productivity
- Competitiveness
- Internalization
- Financial
- Time-management
- Energy
- Cascade use of wood
- Forest
- Footprint/blueprint
- Recycling
- Training
- LEAN methodology
- Processes
- Construction
- Cost benefits
- Marketing